group coaching

Start your journey with LN2 by participating in a group coaching program that allows for safe, non-judgemental, conversation spaces. Think of it as a peer learning process where everyone works together to address similar goals through dialogue and reflection. During the session, participants have the opportunity to develop personalized action plans. You can benefit from shared goals, collective accountability, and group success.

Everyone who enrolls in a group session begins with a phone-based mini-session and survey. Programs meet weekly for four to six 50 minute sessions. Participants identify strategies for solving problems and use the time between sessions to apply those strategies to real life situations. Group coaching can be an effective process for building self-confidence and unlocking undiscovered potential.


Self-care is important for both physical and mental health. Remind yourself to engage in habits that promote your ability to care for yourself, your family, and your community.

stress less

Identify your internal strengths and use those skills to manage your daily stress. Learn techniques to help you focus, recharge, and improve your overall well-being.

time management

Take control of your life and increase your feelings of personal effectiveness. Manage your time, commitments, and productivity in both your personal and professional life.